Supporting parents with holistic sleep support and education

Improving sleep doesn’t mean going against your instincts

At Little Sleep Guide, I believe in ditching the stress and guilt surrounding infant sleep. I offer gentle and holistic support rooted in sleep biology and focused on responsiveness. I can guide you in the direction you that reassurance, education, or tools to improve and optimise your little one’s sleep.

I am not a sleep trainer, and I will never ask you to leave your baby to cry or not to respond… (and that includes in intervals).

Hi there!

I'm Lisa, a proud mum of two little girls aged 2 and 4 and a graduate of the "two under two" club. As a mum who still grapples with moments of guilt, anxiety and overwhelm, I’m aware of the rollercoaster of emotions involved in parenthood. I understand firsthand that infant sleep can be a source of stress, but I believe when we are armed with the correct information and tools it doesn’t need to be. My small corner of the internet is a judgment-free zone where I believe in kindness, fairness, and honesty. Sleep and parenting are hard enough in an age of information overload. In the interests of fairness and honesty, I hate to see parents misled by loaded or false information - after all, I was one of those parents... We are living in an age where information is available instantly, but there’s so much out there, especially when it comes to baby sleep, and it can be confusing to know where to start.

With that in mind - my first piece of advice is to tell you to trust your instincts and follow your parenting values. You are your baby’s expert.

As a holistic sleep coach and gentle sleep educator, I'm here if needed to help reduce the stress and overwhelm and provide you with a listening ear, guidance, and support. With me, you'll find a safe space to seek help or reassurance, embrace your parenting instincts and feel empowered by your decisions.

Lisa Read - sleep consultant at Little Sleep Guide

As a Holistic Sleep Coach and Gentle Sleep Educator I support families to feel listened to, empowered, and reassured. What I’m passionate about:

Mom holding baby in her arms - sleep education by Little Sleep Guide
Sleep Education

As a certified OCN level 4 Gentle Sleep Educator I am passionate about providing evidence based information and normalising what normal infant sleep looks like. Sometimes, what is perceived as a sleep problem is actually biologically normal infant sleep. Sleep is a biological function linked to brain maturity, and it can take time. Understandably, it’s not always easy, sleep deprivation is hard.

I believe in the power of education and support and facilitating this by meeting people face to face, sharing a chat and having a cuppa - if this resonates with you please check out the workshops tab and sign up to my mail list and I’ll keep you in the loop regarding any workshops or events happening in the Fermanagh area.

Holistic sleep support for parents and children by Little Sleep Guide
Holistic sleep support for babies and toddlers

I am currently completing my training to become a certified OCN level 6 Holistic Sleep Coach. The Holistic Sleep Coaching program is a degree level certification in infant and toddler sleep and the most comprehensive baby sleep course available internationally. With knowledge and support from this fantastic training I help families optimise and improve their little one’s sleep and, if required, tailor a sleep solution that works with their little one, their parenting values and unique set of circumstances.

Mom and child happy moment by Little Sleep Guide
Promoting well-being 

As a Holistic Sleep Coach I look at your little one’s sleep situation in a holistic manner, which includes looking at many variables that affect sleep and well-being. I know about sleep deprivation all too well as a graduate of the 2 under 2 club! Even with knowledge of biologically normal infant sleep, it was still very hard! There is so much more to well-being than sleep, but it certainly plays a big part. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. For me, during those very busy days and long nights getting out daily for a short walk in nature with my girls really helped my well-being by helping me to reset. What does self-care look like to you?

Don’t forget - in an ocean of information, YOU are the one who steers the ship.

As a parent I completely understand the exhaustion and frustration that comes with sleep deprivation, I’ve been there. My first port of call ;-) is to tell parents to trust their instincts and follow their parenting values - this will lead to the information or support that aligns best with you and your family.

Mom and child on bed looking at laptop | Email only support by Little Sleep Guide

Discover how I can help your family:

Email Only Support

Mom and young child playing in bed |  Guide package by Little Sleep Guide

Guide package

Mom and child sitting in the garden, mom calling with Lisa Read Sleep Consultant by Little Sleep Guide

Sleep Sense Call

  • "I highly recommend Lisa. Within a short time we really noticed an improvement and we are able to use our new knowledge to continue helping our baby get the best sleep possible."
