What I offer

Currently I offer 3 levels of sleep support. If you would like more information about any of these, feel free to drop me an email using the contact button above and we can arrange a 10 minute discovery call.

Please contact me for current availability

Email only support by Lisa Read from Little Sleep Guide

Email only support

This package is recommended for those who don’t wish to have a zoom or phone consultation. After initiating contact with me, you’ll receive a detailed questionnaire and a sleep diary (to complete for 5 days). I will then analyse the information and you’ll receive a document with sleep guidance and recommendations tailored to your child. Includes 2 follow up emails to be used within 2 months of support.

  • Step 1: Complete Questionnaire
    Step 2: Receive Sleep Diary
    Step 3: Receive Tailored Recommendations

Mom and child playing on the floor | Lisa Read from Little Sleep Guide

Guide package

Upon selecting my Guide package I’ll send you a comprehensive questionnaire as well as a sleep diary to complete for 5 days. Following the completion of these I will analyse the information and we can then arrange a 60 minute zoom or phone consultation to discuss suggestions to improve your child’s sleep. Following our call you will receive a bespoke document for reference with guidance, tools and recommendations to improve your little one’s sleep. This support includes two 20 minute follow-up phone calls or two support emails to be used within 2 months of our discussion. (OR, you can pick 1 email and 1 call as follow up)

  • Step 1: Complete Questionnaire
    Step 2: Receive Bespoke Sleep Plan
    Step 3: 30-min Follow Up Session

Mom calling on the phone with newborn in arms | Lisa Read from Little Sleep Guide

Sleep Sense Call

Have a pressing sleep concern or need advice? My 45 minute Sleep Sense Call is designed for those moments when you need to sense-check something. You’ll receive a short questionnaire before our call so we can utilise our time in the most efficient way. Then we'll have a chat to address your specific sleep issue and I will provide you with valuable insights and guidance. It's the perfect solution for tackling a mild-moderate sleep challenge and gaining clarity on the next steps. Please note that no documents are provided after the call, so please feel free to take notes.

  • Step 1: Complete Questionnaire
    Step 2: Schedule Your Call
    Step 3: Receive Tailored Recommendations

  • "Lisa was absolutely fantastic and provided really helpful advice and tips as well as educating us about infant sleep biology."



What exactly is a ‘holistic sleep coach’, it sounds a bit airy fairy?

I’ll be honest…before I knew exactly what a holistic sleep coach was I felt the same! Holistic means as the name suggests looking at something as a whole. To help optimise your little one’s sleep I will look at many variables that can affect sleep such as family dynamic, sleep hygiene, temperament, diet, allergies…. to name a few.

There is a genuinely gentle alternative to sleep training and ‘wait-it-out’ with holistic sleep coaching. It helps to provide gentle strategies and solutions that are age and developmentally appropriate and embrace responsiveness and attachment.

Why don’t you offer guarantees?

Again I’ll be honest, in the sleep world, seeing a sleep coach/consultant offer a guarantee makes me nervous! If someone is offering a guarantee it is likely they are selling you a cry it out or controlled crying plan, and the plan will likely involve being told to not respond to your child regardless of their stress-level and to be consistent with this. I know this because I have been trained in these methods. For some children these methods can be quick-fixes. However children are not robots - each is individual and I believe in being responsive.

What qualifications should I look for in a sleep coach?

The sleep industry is unregulated, some become certified in a weekend and some have no training at all. With this in mind I would urge anyone seeking sleep support to research a coach/consultant’s training if this is important to you. In September 2021 I certified as an OCN level 4 Gentle Sleep Educator (0-18months) and I’m currently completing OCN level 6 (degree equivalent) in Holistic Sleep Coaching under Lyndsey Hookway. Prior to those courses I trained in a course that teaches sleep training methods such as controlled crying/timed checks. While I do not endorse or recommend those methods I am happy to answer any questions you may have about them.

Is your approach just gentle sleep-training?

I have no judgement towards anyone who wishes to sleep-train, everyone’s family situation is different and what works for one family may not work for another, similarly, what is a sleep issue for one family might be fine for another family. Sleep training is not my approach and, again being honest, if this is what you’re looking for I’m not the sleep coach for you. Having studied how sleep training methods work I do not recommend them and therefore would never ‘sell’ a solution using them as a tool. I also think ‘gentle’ has become a bit of a buzz word. Regardless if pre-fixed with gentle or not, sleep training methods work by limiting responsiveness to extinguish a behaviour (aka stop a child from calling out). Due to what I’ve learnt about child development, brain development and attachment I personally would not use approaches that withhold parental response.

Will a sleep coach’s approach align with my parenting style?

Absolutely! I understand that every family has its own parenting style and values. I work closely with you to develop a sleep solution that respects your parenting choices, values and instincts. YOU are the expert in your child!

Do you recommend controlled crying or cry it out?

I have been studying baby sleep since 2021 and therefore this is personally not something I recommend or would suggest as a solution. To be clear, I’m referring to approaches that leave a baby or toddler alone or limit responsiveness so they can ‘learn how to self-soothe or settle’ - regardless of their state of distress. Everyone has their unique parenting journey and what works for some families doesn’t work for others - I respect this and there is no judgement on my side. The first sleep consultant course I trained in taught these methods, so I come from a place of being fully versed in them. I am happy to answer any queries about these methods for curious families.